Sunday, June 6, 2010

Causes and risk factors of Otitic Barotrauma

Causes and risk factors :Otitic Barotrauma
If the condition is severe or prolonged:
•Ear pain

•Feeling of pressure in the ears (as if underwater)

•Moderate to severe hearing loss

otitc barotrauma, it will make more ache if you were in the high pressure of air. learning for this cure and the way to protect yourself.

Our body keep the air pressure in the middle ear is usually the same as the air pressure outside for balance. Inside the ear, the eustachian tube is a connection between the back of the nose and  the middle ear and upper throat.

The ear normally swallows or yawns to open the eustachian tube and allows air to flow into or out of the middle ear, keeping balance the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum equal. This causes ottitic barotrauma will make a pain if the eustachian tube is blocked, the air pressure in the middle ear is different than the pressure on the outside of the eardrum.

Experience of otitic barotrauma at some time of many people come with our hard activities. Otitic Barotrauma commonly occurs with altitude changes suddenly, such as flying, scuba diving, or driving in the high mountains. If you have a congested nose from allergies, colds, or an upper respiratory infection, you are more likely to develop otitic barotrauma.

Make sure you have protect your ear during having risk activities can help you escape the Otitic Barotrauma cause

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