Monday, June 7, 2010

Otitic Barotrauma : Treatments

 For a long term treatment, Surgery is the first choose for improve you ear pain ; Otitic Barotrauma

The picture showed the tube inside you ear during surgery, the ENT specialist removes the fluid from your child’s middle ear and places a tiny tube in the eardrum. Very small tunnel between the outer ear canal and the middle ear can create with this tube. This tunnel balances air pressure on both sides of the eardrum and prevents fluid buildup. In most cases, surgery can be done on both ears in less than 30 minutes. If adenoid problems are also being treated, surgery takes a little longer.

If the condition is severe or prolonged:
•Ear pain

•Feeling of pressure in the ears (as if underwater)

•Moderate to severe hearing loss

otitc barotrauma, it will make more ache if you were in the high pressure of air. learning for this cure and the way to protect yourself.

Making a Slit

Once your child is asleep, the ear canal is cleaned. Then, using an operating microscope and special surgical instruments, the ENT specialist makes a small slit in the eardrum (tympanotomy).
Removing Any Fluid

A hollow instrument is passed through the slit in the eardrum. Using gentle suction, the fluid is withdrawn through the instrument. A fluid sample may be sent to a lab to identify whether it is viral or bacterial.

Putting in the Tube

After the fluid is removed, the ENT specialist inserts a tiny tube into the same slit in the eardrum (tympanostomy). The shape of the tube helps keep it in place. The ENT specialist chooses the the right tube for the best results and good cure.

Right After Surgery

After surgery is completed, your child will be taken to a recovery area. Once fully awake, your child should be able to go home. And do the doctor advices seriously for the good cure.

The problem below is the case to Call the Doctor:

>>heavy bleeds in your ear or keeps bleeding after the first 48 hours.

>>Sticky or discolored fluid drains out of the ear after the first 48 hours.

>>Having high fever that does not drop.

>>You child is dizzy, extremely drowsy, confused, or has a change in mental state.

The most symptom often found in otic barotrauma

The most symptom often found in otic barotrauma.

>>otic barotrauma is most often due to descent in aircraft; it is also seen in divers or other activities that make the fast adjust of two atmosphere.
If the condition is severe or prolonged:
•Ear pain

•Feeling of pressure in the ears (as if underwater)

•Moderate to severe hearing loss

otitc barotrauma, it will make more ache if you were in the high pressure of air. learning for this cure and the way to protect yourself.

>>differences between middle ear and ambient pressures may cause rupture of superficial vessels in the middle ear. It also causes a secretory otitis media, although in this instance the fluid is believed to be a transudate rather than normal mucus

>>Otitic barotrauma is painful - during descent in an aircraft the eustachian tubes ought to be open to allow equalisation of pressure.The pressure striking can make your ear hard to preserve. This is usually accomplished by yawning or sucking boiled sweets. The use of nasal decongestants (e.g. xylometazoline spray) will also help to prevent this problem. Patients with otitis media should not fly or take activities above

How to protect yourself form Otitic Barotrauma ?
The main cause is form the pressure. Prevention is so easy, make sure that you were in the sound proper level.

* How to management:
o generally the fluid clears spontaneously over a period of several weeks
o the efficacy of treatments such as nasal decongestants, oral decongestants, antihistamines is unclear
o antibiotics may help prevent infection in cases of severe otitic barotrauma

Specific Tests : Ear Exam with an Otoscope


The ear problem can easy to find and make the proper way to cure, an otoscope is a hand-held instrument with a tiny light and a cone-shaped attachment called an ear speculum, which is used to examine the ear canal. An ear examination is a normal part of most physical examinations by a doctor or nurse. Doctor can Specific ear infection or other type of ear problem is suspected. 


Our ear have a dark small hole that only doctor's medical appliance can get into it. An otoscope is used to look into the ear canal to see the ear drum,the final side in our ear. Redness or fluid in the eardrum can indicate an ear infection. Some otoscopes can deliver a small puff of air to the eardrum to see if the eardrum will vibrate (which is normal). This type of ear examination with an otoscope can also detect a build up of wax in the ear canal, or a rupture or puncture of the eardrum.
If the condition is severe or prolonged:
•Ear pain

•Feeling of pressure in the ears (as if underwater)

•Moderate to severe hearing loss

otitc barotrauma, it will make more ache if you were in the high pressure of air. learning for this cure and the way to protect yourself.


An ear examination with an otoscope is usually done by a doctor or a nurse as part of a complete physical examination.Sometime otoscope can test at home for many case, It's depend on your symptom. The ears may also be examined if an ear infection is suspected due to fever, ear pain, or hearing loss that you never had before. The patient will often be asked to tip the head slightly toward the shoulder so the ear to be examined is pointing up. The doctor or nurse may hold the ear lobe as the speculum is inserted into the ear, and may adjust the position of the otoscope to get a better view of the ear canal and eardrum. Both ears are usually examined, even if there seems to be a problem with just one ear. The Specific Tests make sure for the proper cure

Thank :
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Symptoms of otitc barotrauma

The list of systom that usually happen if your have a otitc barotrauma. 
Usually Symptoms : otitc barotrauma


•Ear discomfort or pain in one or both ears

•Hearing loss (slight)

•Sensation of fullness or stuffiness in the ears

If the condition is severe or prolonged:
•Ear pain

•Feeling of pressure in the ears (as if underwater)

•Moderate to severe hearing loss

otitc barotrauma, it will make more ache if you were in the high pressure of air. learning for this cure and the way to protect yourself.

Causes and risk factors of Otitic Barotrauma

Causes and risk factors :Otitic Barotrauma
If the condition is severe or prolonged:
•Ear pain

•Feeling of pressure in the ears (as if underwater)

•Moderate to severe hearing loss

otitc barotrauma, it will make more ache if you were in the high pressure of air. learning for this cure and the way to protect yourself.

Our body keep the air pressure in the middle ear is usually the same as the air pressure outside for balance. Inside the ear, the eustachian tube is a connection between the back of the nose and  the middle ear and upper throat.

The ear normally swallows or yawns to open the eustachian tube and allows air to flow into or out of the middle ear, keeping balance the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum equal. This causes ottitic barotrauma will make a pain if the eustachian tube is blocked, the air pressure in the middle ear is different than the pressure on the outside of the eardrum.

Experience of otitic barotrauma at some time of many people come with our hard activities. Otitic Barotrauma commonly occurs with altitude changes suddenly, such as flying, scuba diving, or driving in the high mountains. If you have a congested nose from allergies, colds, or an upper respiratory infection, you are more likely to develop otitic barotrauma.

Make sure you have protect your ear during having risk activities can help you escape the Otitic Barotrauma cause

Definition and Alternative Names

Otitic Barotrauma : The ear cure
If the condition is severe or prolonged:
•Ear pain

•Feeling of pressure in the ears (as if underwater)

•Moderate to severe hearing loss

otitc barotrauma, it will make more ache if you were in the high pressure of air. learning for this cure and the way to protect yourself.


The original cure of Ear barotrauma is discomfort and possible damage in the ear due to pressure differences between the inside and outside of the eardrum.

Alternative Names

The science name of this cure :
Eustachian tube dysfunction; Barotitis media; Ear popping; Pressure-related ear pain; Barotrauma ;Otitic Barotrauma

Otitic Barotrauma