The picture showed the tube inside you ear during surgery, the ENT specialist removes the fluid from your child’s middle ear and places a tiny tube in the eardrum. Very small tunnel between the outer ear canal and the middle ear can create with this tube. This tunnel balances air pressure on both sides of the eardrum and prevents fluid buildup. In most cases, surgery can be done on both ears in less than 30 minutes. If adenoid problems are also being treated, surgery takes a little longer.
If the condition is severe or prolonged:
•Ear pain
•Feeling of pressure in the ears (as if underwater)
•Moderate to severe hearing loss
otitc barotrauma, it will make more ache if you were in the high pressure of air. learning for this cure and the way to protect yourself.
Making a Slit
Once your child is asleep, the ear canal is cleaned. Then, using an operating microscope and special surgical instruments, the ENT specialist makes a small slit in the eardrum (tympanotomy).
Removing Any Fluid
A hollow instrument is passed through the slit in the eardrum. Using gentle suction, the fluid is withdrawn through the instrument. A fluid sample may be sent to a lab to identify whether it is viral or bacterial.
Putting in the Tube
After the fluid is removed, the ENT specialist inserts a tiny tube into the same slit in the eardrum (tympanostomy). The shape of the tube helps keep it in place. The ENT specialist chooses the the right tube for the best results and good cure.
Right After Surgery
After surgery is completed, your child will be taken to a recovery area. Once fully awake, your child should be able to go home. And do the doctor advices seriously for the good cure.
The problem below is the case to Call the Doctor:
>>heavy bleeds in your ear or keeps bleeding after the first 48 hours.
>>Sticky or discolored fluid drains out of the ear after the first 48 hours.
>>Having high fever that does not drop.
>>You child is dizzy, extremely drowsy, confused, or has a change in mental state.